Educational dynamics
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Explore a new path for the high-quality development of vocational undergraduates

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized the coordinated promotion of the integrated reform of the system and mechanism of educational science and technology talents, proposed the goal of accelerating the construction of a high-quality education system, required the optimization of the layout of higher education, and promoted the reform of colleges and universities by classification, indicating the direction for the development of vocational undergraduate education。Our exploration of the new path of vocational undergraduate education is not only a profound reflection, reform and reconstruction of the traditional education model, but also a practical response to the technical rationality and metaphysical thinking of the nature of education。This requires us to deeply explore the internal logic of the deep integration of vocational undergraduate education and the comprehensive development of people, knowledge innovation and vocational skills, and to open up a new beacon of vocational undergraduate education that can not only inherit the essence of education and teaching, but also lead the future development trend in the new trend of rapid development of manufacturing industry。

The "Tao" of Vocational Undergraduate Education

"形而上者 is the way。In ancient Chinese philosophy, "Tao" is a relatively abstract concept, which can refer to a certain law of necessity or a certain principle of universality。"Art is close to Tao", we should study and explain the way of vocational undergraduate education from a regular height。

Vocational undergraduate education should pay attention to the basic principles of educating people and promote the all-round development of students。With the rapid development of society, the demand for talents in the future will be more diversified and complex。All-round development education can cultivate high-quality talents to meet the needs of society, who not only have solid professional knowledge and skills, but also have good moral character, teamwork spirit and innovation ability, and can contribute their own strength to the development of society。The cornerstone of vocational undergraduate education is rooted in the deep insight and compliance of the internal cognitive law and growth trajectory of the educational object, and is committed to promoting the growth and success of students in an all-round way。As the distinguished British scientist W.I.B.As Beveridge deeply explained in The Art of Scientific Research, the diversity of education can stimulate innovative thinking and avoid the limited vision and rigid thinking caused by the deep cultivation of a single field。Under the background of pursuing high-quality development, vocational undergraduate education and general undergraduate education jointly bear the heavy responsibility of cultivating young people in the new era。因此,To promote the all-round development of students has been established as the highest pursuit of the high-quality development of vocational undergraduate education,We must go beyond theoretical discussions and empty slogans,It is deeply planted in the soil of vocational undergraduate education practice,It penetrates into every detail link of vocational undergraduate education such as curriculum system, teaching method, practice link and comprehensive quality evaluation,Make it the action guide and core value to guide the practice of vocational undergraduate education。

Vocational undergraduate education should master the basic principles of science and promote scientific and technological innovation。The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee stressed the importance of innovation-driven development strategy, and the key to innovation lies in talent。As an important way to train high quality technical talents, one of the core missions of vocational undergraduate education is to ensure that students have a solid grasp of the basic principles of science。This includes but is not limited to the basic knowledge of natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science, as well as the core theories of applied sciences such as engineering technology, management, and economics。At present, some higher vocational colleges focus too much on the strengthening of technical skills training in practice, unconsciously reducing the proportion of theoretical education。Admittedly, this practice improves students' practical operation ability and immediate employment competitiveness in the short term。However, in the long run, it may limit the career development space of graduates, and weaken their comprehensive adaptability and long-term sustainable development ability。A deep understanding and mastery of the basic principles of the professional field not only helps to broaden students' employment horizons, so that they can remain competitive in a wider range of career fields, but also enhances their learning ability and innovation ability, laying a solid foundation for sustainable career development。

Vocational undergraduate education should pay attention to the basic principles of the subject and promote the construction of the subject。As an organizational system of modern knowledge production, discipline classifies and systemically organizes the knowledge created by human beings for thousands of years。The subject knowledge system of vocational education is formed by theorizing the practical experience and systemizing the theoretical cognition of vocational education。Vocational undergraduate education should attach great importance to the mastery of the basic principles of disciplines, and students can establish a solid foundation of disciplines through systematic learning, laying a foundation for subsequent professional skills training and innovative practice。Vocational undergraduate education should follow the law of integrated development of disciplines and specialties,The systematic engineering of personnel training program, curriculum construction, teaching material construction, professional laboratory construction, teacher team construction, teaching and research base construction will be incorporated into the discipline construction plan,Form an interactive mechanism for discipline construction and specialty construction,Enhance professional social reputation and competitiveness。

The "Art" of Vocational Undergraduate Education

"Technique" is technology, method, means and tools to achieve a certain goal。The technique of vocational undergraduate education is an educational method, means and technology adopted and applied to achieve certain vocational education goals, which is one of the elements of vocational undergraduate education。From a practical point of view, the "art" of vocational undergraduate education is how to form school-running characteristics around the integration of production and education。

Science to find its own position。Each college has its unique history, cultural heritage and resource advantages. Vocational undergraduate education should dig deep and make full use of these resources to form a distinctive educational model。It is necessary not only to avoid the simple imitation of applied undergraduate education, but also to avoid the path dependence on higher vocational college education, and to prevent higher vocational college education and applied undergraduate education from becoming the product of mechanical addition。Only by establishing the goal of vocational undergraduate education according to the conditions of the school can it gradually form its own advantages and characteristics。

Innovative personnel training model。Vocational undergraduate education should take the integration of production and education as the core driving force to promote the overall innovation of talent training mode。It not only requires the deep integration of the education system and industrial development, but also emphasizes the seamless connection between theory and practice in the whole chain of talent training。By building a broad platform for school-enterprise cooperation, vocational undergraduate education can deeply understand the industry dynamics, technological frontiers and enterprise needs, so as to dynamically adjust professional Settings, optimize course content, and ensure that the knowledge and skills imparting are close to the market reality。

Set up majors for docking industries。With the continuous upgrading of industrial structure and the rapid rise of emerging industries, the demand for interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary talents is increasing。Compared with higher vocational college education,The academic system, the source of students and the requirements of vocational undergraduate education have changed greatly,We should actively explore the construction and development of interdisciplinary majors,By integrating high-quality resources from different disciplines,Building an innovative and forward-looking professional structure,Ensure that the professional setup is highly aligned with market needs。It is necessary to dock the high-end manufacturing industry and the high-end industry to set up majors, optimize the professional layout, clarify the training orientation, build the curriculum system, set up the teacher team, improve the management mechanism, form a unique professional brand, and drive the formation of school-running characteristics。

The "Career" of Vocational Undergraduate Education

The "business" of vocational undergraduate education is the systematic analysis of the principles and methods of vocational undergraduate education, the stress response and adaptive consciousness of the industry enterprises, and the "business" problem of vocational undergraduate education。This "industry" in addition to the curriculum, evaluation methods, practical teaching, etc., the most important should be reflected in the following three aspects:

Emphasis should be placed on the type orientation of training high-level technical talents。Vocational undergraduate education belongs to the undergraduate level, and emphasizes the characteristics of technical skills。Compared with vocational college education, vocational undergraduate education has a higher level, and it must have a generous and solid technical theoretical foundation in terms of the theoretical requirements of vocational technology。For this reason, the vocational undergraduate education system needs to build a curriculum system, teaching model and practice platform suitable for the training of high-level technical talents。The curriculum system should focus on the breadth and depth of basic theories, while incorporating cutting-edge technologies and industry dynamics to ensure the timeliness and foresight of students' knowledge。The teaching mode should adopt diversified teaching means, such as case teaching, school-enterprise cooperation, etc., to cultivate students' practical ability and problem-solving ability。The practice platform includes the on-campus training base, the enterprise internship base and the innovation and entrepreneurship incubator, etc., which convert the knowledge of students into practical skills。

Highlight the cultivation attribute orientation of talents' professional characteristics。Vocational undergraduate education is to transport high-level technical skills for the production line。The cultivated talents can be directly applied to the production line and are highly suitable for the standard requirements of vocational positions, which is the characteristic of vocational undergraduate education。To this end, the vocational undergraduate education system needs to accurately match the actual needs of industries and enterprises for talents, clarify the characteristics and core competence requirements of various vocational fields, and then integrate these characteristics into the whole process of talent training, and effectively train students' vocational characteristics。

Implement the training requirements of "fully humanized" talents。The German thinker Humboldt put forward the idea of "whole person education" as early as the 19th century。Whole-person education requires that vocational undergraduate education should not only pay attention to the imparting of professional knowledge and skills, but also pay attention to the cultivation of students' ideological and moral quality, humanistic quality, physical and mental health and innovative thinking。Vocational undergraduate education should "educate people for the Party and the country", through ideological and political guidance, and German and technical training, to achieve the progress from "academic standard" to "ability standard" and "personality standard", so that students can continue to grow in the rapidly changing social environment, and truly become useful talents for the country and society。

(Author: Tang Zhaowu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical University)

(From Modern Higher Vocational and Technical Education Network, information source: China Education Daily, September 3, 2024)